
Bunch of sec. enthusiasts who sometimes play CTF

SEKAI 2022 - Symbolic Needs 2

*Cryptocurrency scammer was caught and laptop confiscated, use strings to recover command used to access his wallet and patch + decompile python pyc file to regenerate bip39 mnemonic and recreate the private key.


Recover the private key of the wallet address 0xACa5872e497F0Cc626d1E9bA28bAEC149315266e. Submit the key wrapped with SEKAI{}.

Attachment md5sum: 4be69c88e6f19dd9c9f8e6c52bc93c28

Author: BattleMonger


Points: 482

Category: forensic

Validations: 18


We receive a memory dump of a linux computer. Running strings on it leds nothing at the beginning and after some times trying to make work this f** volatility2 crap under a not anymore supported version of python2 was a nightmware. I gave up on this task and later on a hint was released: stick to what you used for Part 1, you all are also missing a very basic but extremely useful command.

OMG we are talking about strings, right ? So let’s continue to dig inside. I tried grepping for all crypto keyword without luck, and then I started thinking about base64/base32 keyword as it should be encoded/encrypted somewhere to not show up directly with a grep command.

Running our good old strings grep command lead to the following artifact:
-> $ strings dump.mem |grep -i base32

Running the exact same command lead to the file file.pyc which is a python 3.10.7 byte-compiled file. It exist several tool to decompile python bytecode unfortunately all I’ve tested so far was not able to decompile correctly this file. The most promising tool I found was pycdc from Zrax. When runinng the tool I got the following output:

> $ ./pycdc ../../file.pyc 
# Source Generated with Decompyle++
# File: file.pyc (Python 3.10)

Unsupported opcode: WITH_EXCEPT_START
import sys
# WARNING: Decompyle incomplete

It seems that the python file contains some new opcode from python 3.10.X and that the tool does not support it, yet.

There is another utility to disassemble the opcode as well which was working correctly but as I was in a hurry I didn’t wanted to reverse the opcode by hand.

One idea came in my mind, as I guessed more or less the start of the script, why not just implement the opcode as a “NOOP” in the pycdc and see what happend ? We are on CTF, right ?

Here is the small patch I made:

diff '--color=auto' -r pycdc/ASTree.cpp pycdc_patched/ASTree.cpp
> 	case Pyc::RERAISE_A:
> 	   break;
> 	   break;

Annnd yes, it worked:

-> $ ./pycdc ../file.pyc 
# Source Generated with Decompyle++
# File: file.pyc (Python 3.10)

import sys

    password = sys.argv[1]
print('Usage: ./wallet password')
words = []
with open('bip39list.txt', 'r') as f:
    words = f.read().splitlines()
    None(None, None, None)
if not None:

code = 0x26F4036773F33FD1BC4E55616472CD7F65086B670B2DD5B84BB4D16F02730E734F72E500L
code = bin(code)[2:]
code = str(code.zfill(len(code) + (12 - len(code) % 12)))
mnemonic = []
for i in range(0, len(code), 12):
    mnemonic.append(words[int(code[i:i + 12], 2) - 1])

So the script read a file called bip39list.txt which is in fact a list of known words used to generate randomly a seed for creating public/private key for cryptocurrency wallet.

Then it used a variable called code as a bitstream to define which words is in the mnemonic passphrase. Running this code lead to:

['evidence', 'leopard', 'solution', 'layer', 'legend', 'danger', 'orient', 'project', 'silver', 'flower', 'wrong', 'path', 'stove', 'throw', 'fortune', 'report', 'nuclear', 'old', 'target', 'exact', 'broom', 'hawk', 'toss', 'paper']

The address of the wallet come from ethereum blockchain. It is easily verifiable using the website blockchain explorer. To recover the private key, we used the Mnemonic Code Converter from Ian Coleman. The private key can be found on the derived address section and is: 0x81c458e9fae445de18385a3379513acc8e191e4c2667c85aa0a52a32ec4e6d55.

The flag is: SEKAI{0x81c458e9fae445de18385a3379513acc8e191e4c2667c85aa0a52a32ec4e6d55}

Challenges resources are available in the resources folder

Written on October 1, 2022